​ Sandman European Boxers
The prices of our puppies depends on number of champions or European Boxers in pedigree, with the exception of white puppies. All white puppies will be sold with limited registration no exceptions.:
**White European Puppies - $1000**
**50% European - $1850**
**75% European -$2050**
**100% European - $2500**
**European Imports -$3500**
No puppy will be reserved until the holding deposit is actually received by the Seller in the full amount of $500.00 using Cash, Venmo, Cashapp, Zelle or Paypal. If using Paypal, please add the additional 4% charged by Paypal. No Personal checks will be accepted, balance must be paid in Cash, Venmo, Cashapp, Zelle or Paypal!!!